What would happen when AI grows
Nothing. If we know how to deal with it.
I remember the day I got shocked when seeing first smartphone
Due to fast growth of technology, to be always in winning side, we will never stop our educational department. Researching different Artificial Intelligence solution providers daily, we will have our team updated daily.
Internal contracts with Software Engineers
With these contracts, we have weekly conversations with engineers which will keep us alive. We will try not to miss anything when it’s out there.
CCTV, not just to monitor
When we started to be a part of this industry, all about CCTV was old Analog cameras. Troubleshooting those was as easy as checking to see if the adaptor is dead! Now we have experience working for On site, Off site and Hybrid full IP based projects integrated with Smart house solutions and access control systems.
Understanding the need of market was, is and will be our main goal. We believe that money comes when it’s for both provider and requester. We will make sure to have your feedback and keep us updated based on your needs to be a handy tool for any kind of project.
What makes us a good fit?
Making it simple, we don’t have to push any specific brand/provider. We are here to support and provide a solution based on your needs. Anyone providing that solution within your needs and budget, will be our suggestion.

United States, needs of CCTV market.
User-Friendliness of software,
Integratability options to have all equipment in one App,
Being able to remotely configure everything rather than having 2 hours of drive,
Extendability in order to add more and more without changing the base,
Security, not to be configured using Terminal, but to be drag and drop,
Monthly Maintenance to make sure nothing dies,
NDAA, TAA and other Certifications to make sure we will meet governmental projects.
How do we know?
Having close connections with different distributors, installers and end-users,
Now we know who wants what.
Due to all questions asked from us over the time, we’ve had a lot of conversations with various Brands. We know what they provide and when do we need them.
Eagly Eye, 3deye, Genetec, Milesight, Milestone, Avigilon, Axis, Bosch, Digital Watchdogs, Immix, Control4, Salient, etc.
With each of them, at least we had hours of conversation to understand their product.
Take Your Business to the Next Level
Give us a call and describe your need. Consider your project done. All you have to do is to take care of physical installation.